Zoom online meeting guidelines
Below are some general guidelines when using the Zoom online meeting format. Not all of these may be applicable to your meeting but in general, please be respectful and courteous as we navigate this format for staying connected. Thank you!
You may already be muted when entering the meeting but if not, please mute yourself when you join.
Try to join the meeting in a place where other household members who are not in AA are not listening in/participating in the meeting.
If you have something to share, you may need to click on the “Raise Hand” icon. There should be someone monitoring the list and that person will call on the next person in line to share. You will need to Unmute yourself when it is your turn to share.
Note: The location of the icon varies based on the device you are using. If you are using a mobile device you will see 3 dots in the upper right hand corner, click there and select “Raise Hand”. If you are using a PC you may need to click on “Participants” at the bottom of your screen which will open a list of attendees and you will see an option to raise your hand.